How Gratitude Can Grow Your Business

Gratitude is powerful as much in your business as it is in your life. 

Your business is a huge part of your life! It puts food on your table, a roof over your head, and you spend a lot of time with it. 

But sometimes you get overwhelmed and you can’t remember why you wanted to do this.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and you might reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life. But what about the next day? What if you continued to do that every day after tomorrow?

Every day I write what I’m grateful for in my life, and every day I can find something. Having this gratitude towards my life and my business has helped me grow it.

Why? Here are a few reasons.

Gratitude acts as a reset

When you’re having one of those stressful, it can be easy to think nothing is going your way. That overwhelm can stifle your creativity and motivation to work on your business. At that moment, stop, breathe and think about what you’re thankful for today.

Gratitude steps in and gives you a much need reset, a change in perspective from nothing is going my way to actually these things are pretty great. 

It distracts from unresolved problems

In a good way! We can’t get everything done all the time in the perfect way. When you are winding down from your day, jot down a few things you’re grateful for so you can focus on relaxing and restoring your body for the next day. 

When your head hits the pillow, reflect on the good so you don’t get woken up in the middle of the night from the stresses of your day. This will help you be refreshed and ready to resolve those problems when you start your day.

It opens you up for more

Practicing gratitude on a regular basis opens the door for your mind to be ready to receive more opportunities for gratitude. When you focus on the negative, your mind will stay focused there and that can inhibit the growth of your business. 

When you remind yourself how great you already have it, you’re ready to create new opportunities for growth without hanging every ounce of your happiness on them. 

IT only takes a few minutes a day, it doesn’t even have to be a big thing. You can jot them down while you drink your coffee or just think about them while you brush your teeth. There is no wrong way to be grateful. With that, I’ll say Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. 

Enjoy your day and comment on something you’re grateful for today!

For more tips, make sure to like my page and subscribe. 

Until next time… stay ambitious. 

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Konchar-Anna-26 (1)

hi, i'm Anna!

I went from $200,000 in student loan debt to running a multi-million dollar online business in less than 5 years. Along the way, I realized Mondays can be great, stress doesn’t equal success, and you’re capable of more than you think. Now, I have the privilege of helping other ambitious individuals realize their potential and build their dream business and life.


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