The Only Resolution You Need to Change Your Life

My family grew, I traveled the world, and I paid off over $200,000 in student loan debt.

None of this happened overnight, but they all have something in common. Something I now spend my time helping other women do. 

I started my own business helping other small businesses grow. It changed my life in such a major way that I knew I had to share this freedom I had found. I created a roadmap for women who want to change their lives by starting businesses just like mine, called Advisori Insiders PRO.

I decided to do this for myself, and it’s the most important resolution to have if you want less debt, more time, and more freedom to do what you love is something most of us are hesitant to do.

Invest in your dreams.

Investing in yourself and in life you want can be scary, but it’s what separates people who are serious about changing their lives and people who are not.

When you invest in your dreams they become real, the momentum begins and the work you do goes farther. Investing in yourself can look different depending on what you want. It could be a coach, a course, a class, or a piece of software. 

Put “Me!” in the comments if you’ve ever thought about investing in your dream business. 

So where do you start?

Decide what you want

Write down your goals. What do you want to accomplish? If you want to start a business, why have you started it? Knowing where you want to go will show you how to get there and exactly what you need. 

It’s natural to be scared to invest in your dreams, but it’s important to let those fears out so you can acknowledge them. Be honest about what you’re afraid of. Many of us focus on what can go wrong. 

Take a minute and think about what can go right. 

If you shift your mindset to seeing that investment as a small price to pay for your dream life, your fear will turn into excitement and drive. 

Never Stop Learning

We aren’t on this Earth to just work, investing in yourself means continuing to learn new things or create joy and curiosity outside of work. Give yourself the opportunity to grow and thrive by trying new things. 

Investing in hobbies and new interests is a great way to relax and make you better in every aspect of your life. Creating new interests and indulging in them can also open your eyes to a new career path, or even spark a business idea. 

Make Money on the Side

Side hustles are super common for millennials and to build a future we want, we are embracing the concept of the side hustle. Starting a side hustle is an investment in yourself and your future. 

The right side hustle can give you more time, more money and more freedom to do the things you love. It can grant you less stress and less debt. It can allow you to build a life you’ve always wanted and spend more time with the people that matter. 

I’m a huge advocate of side hustles and investing in the right one for you can be life-changing. 

But not all side hustles are created equal, and that’s why I created How I Built A Successful Side Hustle to show you how you can create your dream life and keep this resolution.

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Until next time… stay ambitious. 

Konchar-Anna-26 (1)

hi, i'm Anna!

I went from $200,000 in student loan debt to running a multi-million dollar online business in less than 5 years. Along the way, I realized Mondays can be great, stress doesn’t equal success, and you’re capable of more than you think. Now, I have the privilege of helping other ambitious individuals realize their potential and build their dream business and life.


My Favorite Things:

All My Courses and Sales Funnels run on Kajabi!

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My Favorite Books

All the books I recommend for online business owners!

Healthy food from top-selling, organic brands at wholesale prices.
