How to Plan for Your BEST Year Yet

This exercise is powerful because it helps you recognize and celebrate your wins, move on from things that didn’t go as planned, and prepare & create the year you desire.

How it works is simple. Just grab a pen and paper then answer the questions below.

BONUS: Come back to your answers at the beginning of each month throughout the year.

Completing & Remember this Year

What was your biggest triumph?

What was the smartest decision you made?

What one word best sums up and describes your [year] experience?

What was the greatest lesson you learned?

What was the most loving service you performed?

What is your biggest piece of unfinished business?

What are you most happy about completing?

Who were you the three people that had the greatest impact on your life?

What was the biggest risk your took?

What was the biggest surprise?

What important relationship improved the most?

What compliment would you liked to have received?

What compliment would you liked to have given to someone else?

What else do you need to do or say to be completed with the year?

Creating Your Year

What would you like to be your biggest triumph this year?

What advice would you like to give yourself this year?

What is the major effort you are planning to improve your financial results this year?

What would you be most happy about completing this year?

What major indulgence are you willing to experience this year?

What would you most like to change about yourself this year?

What do you think your biggest risk will be this year?

What about your work are you most committed to changing and improving?

What is one undeveloped talent you are willing to explore this year?

What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of that this year?

Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving this year?

What one word would you like to have are your theme this year?

Want to take it a step further? Join my FREE 5 Day Reset Your Mindset Challenge. Sign up below!

Answering these questions and planning your year is a GREAT start, but you know what is going to help you stay on track… SUPPORT!

If you want to connect with other ambitious entrepreneurs and get the support you need to make your goals a reality, join my FREE 5 Day Reset Your Mindset Challenge here:

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Konchar-Anna-26 (1)

hi, i'm Anna!

I went from $200,000 in student loan debt to running a multi-million dollar online business in less than 5 years. Along the way, I realized Mondays can be great, stress doesn’t equal success, and you’re capable of more than you think. Now, I have the privilege of helping other ambitious individuals realize their potential and build their dream business and life.


My Favorite Things:

All My Courses and Sales Funnels run on Kajabi!

Use prerecorded video to stand out and create a more personal sales experience for your leads

Get all the templates you need for your opt-in pages, sales pages, webinar funnels and more!

My Favorite Books

All the books I recommend for online business owners!

Healthy food from top-selling, organic brands at wholesale prices.
